Conservation of wall paintings in the hermitage of Holy Mary Magdalene
October-November 2022
Located in Murias de Paredes (León, Spain), this hermitage had been abandoned for several years. The project consists of the stabilisation and the cleaning of the remaining wall paintings in the building.
Conservation of four bronze objects from the Zamora Protohistórica excavations
September 2022
From the 2022 excavations, some of these objects were fissured and needed urgent stabilisation in order not to lose more material. What a surprise when I was told that one of the coins I restored is very rare in the Iberian Peninsula. It will probably be the subject of a scientific article by the researchers of Zamora Protohistórica.
Poza de la Sal excavations
September 2022
Stabilisation of objects and wall paintings from the excavations.
Diagnosis of the hermitage of Holy Mary Magdalene
September 2022
I went to the hermitage of Holy Mary Magdalene in Murias de Paredes to diagnose the state of conservation of the mural paintings in the abandoned building, which will soon be restored.
Restoration of a ceramic and an iron object from the cave of Les Pedroses (Spain)
August 2022
Cleaning and stabilisation of an iron object by a chemical bath process and cleaning and reassembly of a Bronze Age ceramic.
Excavations of Lucus Asturum
August 2022
Stabilisation and restoration work on objects from the Lucus Asturum excavations (Spain)
Collections assessment in Sens
From 11th to 22th July 2022
For the third consecutive year, the REMPART Federation and the DRAC of Burgundy-Franche-Comté have entrusted me with the textile collections assessment of the Saint-Etienne Cathedral in Sens.
Collection assessment
06 March 2022
I went to St Lazarus Cathedral of Autun to study the future collection assessment. This preventive conservation work will be between 27th of June and 8th July 2022.
Participation in a round table
November 26, 2021
As part of the Board of Directors of the Association of Conservators-Restorers of Spain (ACRE), I participated in a round table on professions related to conservation organized by the University of Granada , in the Albaycín center and ARESPA.
Online heritage
November 11, 2021
The Regional Directorate of Cultural Affairs of Bourgogne-Franche-Comté has just informed me that my inventory and diagnosis work in collaboration with the REMPART Federation has been published online (in french) by the Media Library of Architecture and Heritage.
online article
July 26, 2021
Little article (in french) that talks about the moving of collections that I supervised at the Cathedral Saint-Étienne of Sens in July 2021.